尽管这本书在文学界享有盛誉,但从个人的角度来看,我并没有与《老人与海》产生强烈的情感共鸣。我的初步感受是,这本书的故事并不打动我。老人圣地亚哥的行为,在我看来是鲁莽且不理性的,他的坚持和不放弃精神反而让我感到反感。我认为他不理性地与大鱼搏斗,忽视了可能的风险和失败,并且未能及时停止冒险,这种行为从经济学和理性决策的角度来看是错误的。他的沉没成本过高,放弃已无可取之处,却依旧坚持到底。 ...
尽管这本书在文学界享有盛誉,但从个人的角度来看,我并没有与《老人与海》产生强烈的情感共鸣。我的初步感受是,这本书的故事并不打动我。老人圣地亚哥的行为,在我看来是鲁莽且不理性的,他的坚持和不放弃精神反而让我感到反感。我认为他不理性地与大鱼搏斗,忽视了可能的风险和失败,并且未能及时停止冒险,这种行为从经济学和理性决策的角度来看是错误的。他的沉没成本过高,放弃已无可取之处,却依旧坚持到底。 ...
After you stop working your 9 to 5, your money can keep working for you. 停下你的朝九晚五工作后,你的钱可以继续为你工作。 Conclusion: The Just Keep Buying Rules Highlight(yellow) - Page 281 · Location 4366 Saving is for the Poor, Investing is for the Rich Find where you are in your financial journey before deciding where to focus your time and energy. If your expected savings are greater than your expected investment income, focus on savings; otherwise focus on investing. If they are similar, focus on both. (Ch. 1) ...
First, figure out how much you expect to comfortably save in the next year. Next, determine how much you expect your investments to grow in the next year. Finally, compare the two numbers. Which is higher, your expected savings or your expected investment growth? If your expected savings are higher, then you need to focus more on saving money and adding to your investments. However, if your expected investment growth is higher, then spend more time thinking about how to invest what you already have. If the numbers are close to each other, then you should spend time on both. ...
It doesn’t matter what position you find yourself in right now. What matters is whether you improve your position today. 你现在处境并不重要。重要的是你今天是否改善了处境。 清晰思维的敌人 Never forget that your unconscious is smarter than you, faster than you, and more powerful than you. It may even control you. You will never know all of its secrets. 永远不要忘记,你的潜意识比你更聪明,比你更快,比你更强大。它甚至可能控制你。你永远不会知道它的所有秘密。 ...
父母于一年教我们学会开口说话。 而我们要用一生的时间来学会闭嘴。 当你尝试使用语言来打动别人时,你说得越多,就显得越平庸,并且说得越多错得越多。 语带禅机差不多是这么个意思,说得越少,未知越多,而人类天性恐惧未知。 ...
人人都是武大郎,开店的时候不喜欢店员比自己高。 刘邦那样可以驾驭比自己厉害的人太少你也遇不上。 绝大多数的领导都是武大郎,所以你在显示自己能力的时候,可能会让他们对你忌惮。 ...
一个人的行为习惯往往是长期养成的,并反映了其内在的价值观和信念。 一个人如果对待周围其他人都是友善、尊重和善良的,那么他/她也更有可能对你是友好的。反之,如果一个人对待周围其他人都是冷漠、自私和无礼的,那么他/她也更有可能对你是冷漠、自私和无礼的。 ...
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. Highlight(yellow) - 1: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits > Location 313 。人们做了一些小的改变,没有看到切实的结果,并决定停止。你会想,“我已经连续一个月每天都跑步了,为什么我的身体没有任何变化?一旦这种想法占据了上风,就很容易让好习惯被抛在一边。但为了产生有意义的改变,习惯需要持续足够长的时间才能突破这个高原——我称之为潜在潜力高原。 People make a few small changes, fail to see a tangible result, and decide to stop. You think, “I’ve been running every day for a month, so why can’t I see any change in my body?” Once this kind of thinking takes over, it’s easy to let good habits fall by the wayside. But in order to make a meaningful difference, habits need to persist long enough to break through this plateau—what I call the Plateau of Latent Potential. ...
成功的敌人不是失败,而是无趣与无聊,所以我们必须让它有趣。 做产品也是一样,必须一开始就有人用,有互动,有反馈,否则你坚持不下去的。一定要从一开始就有种子用户,开发中的时候就有一个群的人在期待。 ...
1 - Understanding human nature People are, above all, interested in themselves. Yup. Sorry. No matter who you are people will always be a thousand times more interested in themselves than in you. No judgment here. People’s actions are governed by self-interest. In every human relationship, your counterpart will always think or ask themselves “what’s in it for me?” Remember this question “What’s in it for me?” By the way, you’re asking this question in all your interactions too, consciously or subconsciously. ...
The largest financial institutions are set up to make a profit for themselves, not their clients. What do I really want? (Vision.) 2. What is important about it? (Values.) 3. How will I get it? (Methods.) 4. What is preventing me from having it? (Obstacles.) 5. How will I know I am successful? (Measurements.) Money is certainly one of the ways we can turn the dreams we have into the reality we live. ...
只“学”不“用”(这是大多数中国学生的写照)的下场就是在十几年之后依然在学依然无用(这是大多数中国学生的现实)。 “学一辈子”,却坚持“一辈子不用”的原因就在于害怕犯错。儿时犯错往往招致惩罚,成年之后,就算没有来自他人的惩罚,还有因为犯错而导致自己自卑和尴尬,所以,很多人是“不惜一切代价”避免出错的。然而,要知道知识的习得过程离不开试错,没有试错,就不可能有全面而真实的进步。所以,要知道犯错是正常的,甚至是不可或缺的。做事的时候,出错是必然的,如果正在做事却一点错都没有,那不是做事 ── 那是在做梦。 ...
1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve? 2. If there was a solution, would they buy it? 3. Would they buy it from us? 4. Can we build a solution for that problem?” The common tendency of product development is to skip straight to the fourth question and build a solution before confirming that customers have the problem. ...
追求财富,而不是金钱或地位。财富是指在你睡觉时仍能为你赚钱的资产。金钱是我们转换时间和财富的方式。地位是你在社会等级体系中所处的位置。 Note - Location 321 社会地位是个 0 和游戏 ...
1 几乎所有人都有定投的资格和能力 Highlight(yellow) - Location 135 定投这个策略,包括以下几个要点:标的究竟是什么?长期究竟是多久?定期究竟是多长的间隔?每次投入至少多少金额? ...
00.20160729 出售时间的三条铁律 ★ Highlight(blue) - Location 163 出售时间的三条铁律:成长才是根本关键,重视价值忽略估值,耐心比什么都重要。 Highlight(blue) - Location 167 所谓的个人财富自由,指的就是某个人再也用不着为了满足生活必需而出售自己的时间了。 ...
We found out that many other teachers did the same when they started talking about their self-built solutions in their online communities. Teachers began to share their templates through Google sheets. It was clear that this was a shared problem in a very tight-knit community. Note - Location 252 发现了一个群体的集体痛点 Highlight(pink) - Location 252 even though it helped, was clunky and overwhelming. I looked into it, and it seemed quite possible to build a web-based application that would do this work faster and more reliably. ...
避免陷入解释、威胁和人身攻击的怪圈当中。 第一步 平复自己的情绪当我们感觉内心出现了想要攻击对方的冲动时,我们需要尽力抑制住它。比如,我们可以通过故事中提到的几种方法做到这一点: · 纠正对事实的误判; · 通过深呼吸来分散注意力; · 或只需收住自己想要伸出的拳头; · 或其他任何一种可能奏效的方法。在与人交流的过程中,每当你感到内心再次燃起了这种冲动,就需要在脑海里回顾这一步。完成这一步只需要几秒钟的时间,这大概是最难完成,也是最重要的一步。如果你并没有攻击对方的冲动,那自然更好。你就可以直接进入下一步了。 ...
1、人应该寻求财富,而不是金钱或地位 人不应该通过繁重的工作获得财富。 每周花 80 小时在餐馆工作,无法使你变得更富有。 辛勤的劳作是无法避免的,但应该以正确的方式努力。 人应该寻求财富,而不是金钱或地位。 如果你认为财富不重要,财富就会远离你。 财富就是睡觉时仍在赚钱的资产。 没有财富性资产,你睡觉的时候,就没有任何收入;你退休的时候,就不能继续挣钱了。 总之,没有财富,你就无法做到非线性赚钱。 一般来说,财富是通过创办自己的公司或者投资来创造的。 它们都不是通过投入大量时间来实现的,大富豪和你一样,每天也只有 24 小时。 ...