
风险是必须品 很多风险无法避免,我们应该做的事评估风险承担风险。某些风险即使回报再高也不值得一试。 风险评估 一、你的最終目標是什麼?如果實現,那會是何種光景? 二、如何在沒有風險或風險極小的情況下實現目標?換句話說,有什麼元素能保證你順利達標? 三、上述沒有風險的選項是否可行或可取?若非如此,你需要承擔多少風險才能得到想要的? ...

December 4, 2024 · 2 min · xgDebug


人们讨厌听到坏消息 或任何与他们现有的观点和结论不一致的内容。因此,如果某些事情可能令人痛苦,人类的大脑就会开始行动,设法否认现实。心理学家丹尼尔·卡尼曼是诺贝尔奖获得者,他认为:“(人们甚至不想投入)最少的精力去设法切实搞清楚他们做错了什么,此事并非偶然,而是因为他们就是不想知道。” ...

December 2, 2024 · 1 min · xgDebug


任何形式的预测都只是投机 投资是一种概率性的活动,用很合理的方式做出的决定有时结果反而很糟糕。即使有时决策者制订了完善的计划,并顺利实施,还是会产生不利的结果。然而,从长远看,把重点放在遵循正确的流程,而非任何具体的中间结果,总归是明智的。 ...

December 2, 2024 · 1 min · xgDebug


October 10, 2024 我的首次投机尝试 当时我分析认为,政策制定者意图通过拉升大盘股来暂时稳住市场,并通过发布相关消息来增强市场信心。 目前工商银行的股价已经到了 6.14,但是我又不想买入了,因为我觉得工行不值这么多钱,还是准备进长江电力 主要的逻辑是现在息差太低,可能会影响分红。 而电力需求一直旺盛,并且随着电动车普及,长期更为看好 ...

October 22, 2024 · 1 min · xgDebug

Why You Should Not Fear Volatility

If you want the upside building wealth, you have to accept volatility and periodic declines that come with it. it’s the price of admission for long term investment success. If you’re not willing to react with equanimity to a market price decline of 50% two or three times a century you’re not fit to be a common shareholder and you deserve the mediocre result you’re going to get. 换句话说,市场在一个世纪才会出现两到三次完美买入机会,你绝对不应该错过它 ...

October 20, 2024 · 1 min · xgDebug

Just Keep Buying

After you stop working your 9 to 5, your money can keep working for you. 停下你的朝九晚五工作后,你的钱可以继续为你工作。 Conclusion: The Just Keep Buying Rules Highlight(yellow) - Page 281 · Location 4366 Saving is for the Poor, Investing is for the Rich Find where you are in your financial journey before deciding where to focus your time and energy. If your expected savings are greater than your expected investment income, focus on savings; otherwise focus on investing. If they are similar, focus on both. (Ch. 1) ...

October 19, 2024 · 10 min · xgDebug


大多数股票市场大部分时间都在上涨 包含世界大战期间,与 COVID-19 期间 Most stock markets go up most of the time. 虽然感觉我们总是处于市场崩盘的风口浪尖,但事实是,重大崩盘非常罕见。这就是为什么 Average-In 在历史上的大部分时间里都表现不佳的原因。 ...

October 19, 2024 · 5 min · xgDebug

Saving Is for the Poor and Investing Is for the Rich

First, figure out how much you expect to comfortably save in the next year. Next, determine how much you expect your investments to grow in the next year. Finally, compare the two numbers. Which is higher, your expected savings or your expected investment growth? If your expected savings are higher, then you need to focus more on saving money and adding to your investments. However, if your expected investment growth is higher, then spend more time thinking about how to invest what you already have. If the numbers are close to each other, then you should spend time on both. ...

October 18, 2024 · 1 min · xgDebug

The Psychology of Money

比起巨大的回报,财富的安全更重要。 极端的成功在很大程度上取决于运气。 投资理财不全是靠运气。这可能有点像打牌,有相当的运气成分,但是也有一定的技术。 个人的金钱投资在很大程度上跟心理学有关系。 投资行为跟人的过去经历很有关系,这是因为过去的经历能影响人的心理。 第 1 章 没有人真的对钱失去理智 在美国,收入最低的家庭平均每年花在彩票上的钱是 412 美元,这是那些高收入家庭购买彩票金额的 4 倍。有 40%的美国人在急需用钱的时候连 400 美元都拿不出来,也就是说,那些每年花 400 美元买彩票的人基本就是这些在急需用钱的时候拿不出 400 美元的人。他们将原本可以为自己提供保障的 400 美元押注在了一个仅有百万分之一的中奖机会上。 ...

October 13, 2024 · 9 min · xgDebug

Your Money or Your Life

In fact, a healthy relationship with money is most often just a by-product of living a happy, healthy life. Endless desire is one of the pitfalls of human nature, and one of the first things you need to cure if you want to get ahead more quickly. What will you do when you no longer have to work for money? to leave this world a little better than we found it. ...

October 12, 2024 · 2 min · xgDebug

Vanguard 资金规模最大的几支 ETF

Vanguard 旗下有几支规模庞大的 ETF,它们通常涵盖不同的市场指数和资产类别。以下是 Vanguard 资金规模最大的几支 ETF: 1. Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) 资金规模:超过 $1.4 trillion(1.4 万亿美元) 特点:VTI 追踪的是 CRSP US Total Market Index,涵盖了整个美国股票市场,从大盘股到小盘股,是一个非常全面的投资工具。 费用率:0.03% 2. Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) 资金规模:超过 $1 trillion(1 万亿美元) 特点:VOO 追踪 S&P 500 指数,投资于美国 500 家大型公司,通常被视为美国股市的基准。 费用率:0.03% 3. Vanguard Total International Stock ETF (VXUS) 资金规模:超过 $370 billion(3700 亿美元) 特点:VXUS 追踪全球除美国之外的所有发达和新兴市场股票,适合想要全球多元化投资的投资者。 费用率:0.07% 4. Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF (VWO) 资金规模:超过 $100 billion(1000 亿美元) 特点:VWO 专注于投资新兴市场国家,如中国、巴西、印度等,适合希望增加新兴市场暴露的投资者。 费用率:0.08% 5. Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND) 资金规模:超过 $300 billion(3000 亿美元) 特点:BND 追踪的是整个美国债券市场,涵盖政府债券、公司债券、抵押贷款支持证券等,为投资者提供债券市场的广泛曝光。 费用率:0.03% 6. Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG) 资金规模:超过 $150 billion(1500 亿美元) 特点:VUG 投资于美国大盘成长股,适合寻求高增长公司(如科技股)的投资者。 费用率:0.04%

October 12, 2024 · 2 min · xgDebug


我的首次投机尝试 操作概述 今天下午,我对自己的 A 股账户进行了操作,卖出了 50%的 工商银行 股份。 操作逻辑 今天,小盘股整体下跌,而权重大盘股则上涨了 4%至 5%。与此同时,财政部宣布将在周六召开新闻发布会。我分析认为,政策制定者意图通过拉升大盘股来暂时稳住市场,并通过发布相关消息来增强市场信心。我预判周六的新闻发布会上将出台实际政策,以推动市场回暖。考虑到政策制定者的目的尚未达成,我认为他们不会放弃对市场的干预。 ...

October 10, 2024 · 3 min · xgDebug


今天发生了什么? 根据证券时报的报道,10 月 9 日,A 股两市呈现弱势下探的态势,尾盘加速跳水,沪指大跌近 7%,失守 3300 点关口,创业板指跌超 10%。两市成交金额突破 2.9 万亿元,超过 5000 只个股下跌。 ...

October 9, 2024 · 2 min · xgDebug


费用:高成本的投资会侵蚀长期回报。例如,频繁的买卖操作会产生交易手续费,以及可能的印花税等,这些都会减少最终的投资收益。因此,控制不必要的交易频率和选择低成本的投资工具(如指数基金)对于提高长期投资回报至关重要。 ...

October 3, 2024 · 1 min · xgDebug

Invested How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Taught Me

Foreword by Phil Town Warren Buffett says investing is buying an asset that produces cash flow for substantially less than it’s worth, like buying a $ 10 bill for $ 5. She finally did the math and discovered that unless she was willing to be a wage slave for her whole life, accumulating enough money to have choices was nearly impossible without investing. Introduction, or How to Use This Book a market crash is a natural part of the economic cycle that is going to happen whether I want it to or not. Chapter 1: January—Becoming Brave Rule #1 is Don’t Lose Money. Rule #2? Don’t Forget Rule #1. ...

September 28, 2024 · 4 min · xgDebug

The Simple Path to Wealth

Beginnings “If you reach for a star, you might not get one. But you won’t come up with a hand full of mud either.” Spend less than you earn—invest the surplus—avoid debt. Carrying debt is as appealing as being covered with leeches and has much the same effect. ...

September 28, 2024 · 9 min · xgDebug

Atomic Habits

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. Highlight(yellow) - 1: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits > Location 313 。人们做了一些小的改变,没有看到切实的结果,并决定停止。你会想,“我已经连续一个月每天都跑步了,为什么我的身体没有任何变化?一旦这种想法占据了上风,就很容易让好习惯被抛在一边。但为了产生有意义的改变,习惯需要持续足够长的时间才能突破这个高原——我称之为潜在潜力高原。 People make a few small changes, fail to see a tangible result, and decide to stop. You think, “I’ve been running every day for a month, so why can’t I see any change in my body?” Once this kind of thinking takes over, it’s easy to let good habits fall by the wayside. But in order to make a meaningful difference, habits need to persist long enough to break through this plateau—what I call the Plateau of Latent Potential. ...

August 26, 2023 · 23 min · xgDebug

Money Master The Game

The largest financial institutions are set up to make a profit for themselves, not their clients. What do I really want? (Vision.) 2. What is important about it? (Values.) 3. How will I get it? (Methods.) 4. What is preventing me from having it? (Obstacles.) 5. How will I know I am successful? (Measurements.) Money is certainly one of the ways we can turn the dreams we have into the reality we live. ...

August 9, 2023 · 9 min · xgDebug

Well-known low-cost ETFs

Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF (SCHB): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.09% Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.20% iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.19% Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.04% iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.04%

August 8, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug

让时间陪你慢慢变富 定投改变命运

1 几乎所有人都有定投的资格和能力 Highlight(yellow) - Location 135 定投这个策略,包括以下几个要点:标的究竟是什么?长期究竟是多久?定期究竟是多长的间隔?每次投入至少多少金额? ...

July 25, 2023 · 4 min · xgDebug