一个优秀商人的基本潜质 永远保持对他人感兴趣,把兴趣和集中力精力放在他人身上,以他人为中心展开话题,围绕着他人来进行交流。 想做到这一点,同时还能拿捏好尺度,提出让大家都觉得舒适的问题,而不是感觉被不停的刺探不舒适,这是很不容易的。 ...
一个优秀商人的基本潜质 永远保持对他人感兴趣,把兴趣和集中力精力放在他人身上,以他人为中心展开话题,围绕着他人来进行交流。 想做到这一点,同时还能拿捏好尺度,提出让大家都觉得舒适的问题,而不是感觉被不停的刺探不舒适,这是很不容易的。 ...
人性弱点: 贪婪 (Greed): 对财富、利益、好处的无限渴望,容易被各种“快速致富”、“内部消息”、“低风险高回报”的诱惑所吸引。网红会利用抽奖、福利、投资“秘诀”等来迎合这种心理。 ...
最近读了 《Enough_ True Measures of Money, Business, and Life》 by John C. Bogle ,让我对市场的本质有了更深刻的理解。与其说是技术分析和频繁交易,不如说是对企业价值的长期坚守。我想把这些思考整理一下,方便日后回顾,也希望能给正在投资路上探索的朋友一些启发。 ...
财富的唯一正常来源只能是生产 然绝大多数人失败的核心原因,并不是不从事生产,也不是从不积累,而是因为都没做到时间足够久的积累,所以钱的金额不够大,因此才没有获得或者掌握真正的财富。 ...
任何形式的预测都只是投机 投资是一种概率性的活动,用很合理的方式做出的决定有时结果反而很糟糕。即使有时决策者制订了完善的计划,并顺利实施,还是会产生不利的结果。然而,从长远看,把重点放在遵循正确的流程,而非任何具体的中间结果,总归是明智的。 ...
Never stop learning At the end of the day, founding a star up primarily request you to do one thing: learning. don’t look for tricks the fact is there are no shortcuts in starting a start up . There’s no trick to get people to like you product. You just have to make a good product because that’s all your user care about. ...
痛点 Hugo 是一款很好用的静态网站生成框架,很多人用它来写 Blog,并且部署在 github pages 上,但是这个方案只能在电脑上使用,每次要写文章都需要打开电脑。 我强烈的需要一个时刻都能记录自己思考的方案,在思绪飞扬时打开手机就能马上把它记录下来。所以也就需要一款能在手机上操作的 APP。 ...
成功的敌人不是失败,而是无趣与无聊,所以我们必须让它有趣。 做产品也是一样,必须一开始就有人用,有互动,有反馈,否则你坚持不下去的。一定要从一开始就有种子用户,开发中的时候就有一个群的人在期待。 ...
1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve? 2. If there was a solution, would they buy it? 3. Would they buy it from us? 4. Can we build a solution for that problem?” The common tendency of product development is to skip straight to the fourth question and build a solution before confirming that customers have the problem. ...
不管思考什么事,最重要的是在一开始就想明白要搭建出怎样的框架。 事实上,一旦有了框架,接下来只要填满就行了。 反之,如果没框架就直接去思考其中的细节,那就不得不面对一堆未经梳理的凌乱信息,白白浪费时间。 ...
usually are full of very similar competitors, fighting it out over price and marginal differences. This saturation makes it hard to enter a market, and even the businesses that are already in that market suffer.
I believe that many bootstrapped businesses only do half the work. They solve a problem, but they don’t address the most critical problem.
You built a solution for customers who think they have that problem under control. You solved the wrong problem. You developed a solution that helps only at the margins. You solved the wrong problem. You built something, but your customers have bigger fish to fry. You solved the wrong problem.
You want to build a “need-to-have” instead of a “nice-to-have.” You want to develop a painkiller instead of a vitamin. You want to be their aspirin. How can this be done? By finding their most important problem: the one issue that is critical to their success. ...
The most crucial problem a customer faces is on their minds most often. It’s the most important because it’s coming up frequently and is never easy to solve. It has the most impact on their lives, but it’s not always the obvious choice. If you can help a customer with their most critical problem, they will benefit the most.
A Critical Problem Is Painful Problems can be a nuisance. They come up, and you either deal with them or ignore them. We can’t ignore critical problems. They persistently make the lives of those who have them harder until they are resolved. They can’t be just ignored, because they consistently reduce the quality of life.
Find the critical problem where ignoring something causes a lower quality of life.
Find the critical problem at the intersection of something mandatory and something wasteful. 关键问题总是位于强制与浪费的交叉点
A Critical Problem Is Not Optional Some things can be ignored or delegated, but a critical problem can’t be. If it’s critical, people will have to deal with the problem every time it occurs. They can’t just opt out of it. Solving the problem is essential to making any kind of progress in the work. Find the critical problem where people would love to opt out, but can’t. ...
Find the critical problem where people need to do the same thing over and over again. A Critical Problem Occurs Frequently and Repeatedly The reason why critical problems are always on the minds of your customers is that the problems happen so often. Every day, every week, every month, the critical problems repeatedly occur. For your customers, it’s always the most urgent thing at that time. The issue needs to be solved there and then, every single time. If it’s not frequent, it is likely not a critical problem. If it occurs repeatedly and isn’t easily solved, it is likely to be a critical problem. ...