这是个比较难搞的问题,目前想到的都有。 youtube教程下面回帖 blog教程回帖 搜索所有相关内容回帖 上x发帖
这是个比较难搞的问题,目前想到的都有。 youtube教程下面回帖 blog教程回帖 搜索所有相关内容回帖 上x发帖
痛点 Hugo 是一款很好用的静态网站生成框架,很多人用它来写 Blog,并且部署在 github pages 上,但是这个方案只能在电脑上使用,每次要写文章都需要打开电脑。 我强烈的需要一个时刻都能记录自己思考的方案,在思绪飞扬时打开手机就能马上把它记录下来。所以也就需要一款能在手机上操作的 APP。 ...
1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve? 2. If there was a solution, would they buy it? 3. Would they buy it from us? 4. Can we build a solution for that problem?” The common tendency of product development is to skip straight to the fourth question and build a solution before confirming that customers have the problem. ...
We found out that many other teachers did the same when they started talking about their self-built solutions in their online communities. Teachers began to share their templates through Google sheets. It was clear that this was a shared problem in a very tight-knit community. Note - Location 252 发现了一个群体的集体痛点 Highlight(pink) - Location 252 even though it helped, was clunky and overwhelming. I looked into it, and it seemed quite possible to build a web-based application that would do this work faster and more reliably. ...
Use free or low-cost tools. For example, you can build cross-platform apps with frameworks like React Native which don’t require paying for multiple native platforms. Use free graphics tools like GIMP instead of Photoshop. Validate your app idea first. Get feedback from target users before investing time and money into full development. Create mockups or prototypes to gauge interest. Consider freelancers instead of full-time staff. Hire affordable freelancers to help with things like graphics, marketing, etc. Leverage app marketplaces like App Store and Google Play. They make distribution easy without needing your own marketing budget. Use free promotion channels. Promote your app on social media, forums, blogs relevant to your niche. Reach out to influencers and the press. Monetize with ads. Mobile ads through networks like AdMob can provide revenue even for free apps. Build up over time and reinvest revenue. Start lean, prove the concept, then grow organically by reinvesting any profits. Consider crowdfunding. Run a Kickstarter campaign to fund development costs and assess demand. Look for startup grants and investments. Apply to app startup funding programs and pitch to angel investors once you have traction. The key is to start small, validate demand, leverage free/low-cost tools and use creativity instead of big capital initially when bootstrapping your app busine ...
需求分析 分析目标用户的需求,确定 APP 要实现的核心功能和特色。这需要进行用户研究、竞品分析等。 信息架构和交互设计 根据需求和用户研究,设计 APP 的信息架构,确定界面流程和交互逻辑。常用的设计工具有 Axure、Sketch 等。 ...
一个现代的 APP 是如何诞生的? 从创意到产品上线运营所的所有步骤与工作岗位和他们需要用到的工具: 创意 产品经理:负责制定产品的目标、功能和用户体验。 设计师:负责设计产品的界面和交互。 开发人员:负责开发产品的代码。 开发 开发人员:负责开发产品的代码。 测试人员:负责测试产品的功能和性能。 质量保证工程师:负责确保产品达到质量标准。 上线 产品经理:负责制定产品上线的策略。 运营人员:负责产品上线后的运营工作,包括推广、营销、客服等。 运营 运营人员:负责产品上线后的运营工作,包括推广、营销、客服等。 数据分析师:负责分析产品的用户数据,并根据数据做出改进。 以下是一些常用的工具: ...