
在英语中,第三人称单数(Third person singular)是表示单个第三人称主语的形式。在英语动词中,动词的形式通常会因主语的人称和数而有所变化。特别地,第三人称单数是指以 “he”(他)、“she”(她)、“it”(它)或单个名词作为主语的情况。在现在时态中,动词通常会在第三人称单数时加上 “-s” 结尾。 ...

August 4, 2023 · 2 min · xgDebug


个人觉得获得幸福的最佳方法是把生活从网络游戏变成单机游戏。网络游戏比如吃鸡或者王者农药,你需要比别人技术好,装备比别人牛,连皮肤都要比一比。强中自有强中手,你失意是大概率事件。但是如果我们把生活换成单机游戏呢?比如塞尔达,你只要和自己比就可以了。每一步都幸福感满满。投射到现实就是,身材要比别人好,房子要比别人大,车子要比别人豪。 天天想着当人上人,要压过别人,注定很难幸福。个人认为正确的方法是:买了房不用老搬家了,开心。 买了车不用挤地铁了,开心。买了洗碗机不用洗碗了,开心… ...

August 2, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


大家好,欢迎收听深爱玩财的最后一期节目,我是 JS 静姝,那至于今后会是什么博客或者其他的内容,我会留在下一期,也就是新播客的第一期跟大家讲。那今天最后一期了,我就发个疯吧,我申请林博主的脸也不要了,反正也不做了。那我就来说一句我一直很想说的话,就是学霸猫有毒,那我今天也不想玩什么不评判,然后,唉,善意揣测这样一些身心灵语境下的游戏了,因为如果我抱着这样的想法当然没错,但是我话就说不明白,这句话也永远说不出来。 ...

July 31, 2023 · 72 min · xgDebug


只“学”不“用”(这是大多数中国学生的写照)的下场就是在十几年之后依然在学依然无用(这是大多数中国学生的现实)。 “学一辈子”,却坚持“一辈子不用”的原因就在于害怕犯错。儿时犯错往往招致惩罚,成年之后,就算没有来自他人的惩罚,还有因为犯错而导致自己自卑和尴尬,所以,很多人是“不惜一切代价”避免出错的。然而,要知道知识的习得过程离不开试错,没有试错,就不可能有全面而真实的进步。所以,要知道犯错是正常的,甚至是不可或缺的。做事的时候,出错是必然的,如果正在做事却一点错都没有,那不是做事 ── 那是在做梦。 ...

July 31, 2023 · 6 min · xgDebug


1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve? 2. If there was a solution, would they buy it? 3. Would they buy it from us? 4. Can we build a solution for that problem?” The common tendency of product development is to skip straight to the fourth question and build a solution before confirming that customers have the problem. ...

July 26, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


追求财富,而不是金钱或地位。财富是指在你睡觉时仍能为你赚钱的资产。金钱是我们转换时间和财富的方式。地位是你在社会等级体系中所处的位置。 Note - Location 321 社会地位是个 0 和游戏 ...

July 25, 2023 · 9 min · xgDebug


当涉及风险管理时,有许多有用的工具和方法可以帮助你降低财务风险并更好地管理你的资产。以下是一些值得考虑的风险管理工具和方法: 保险: 购买适当的保险是最基本和重要的风险管理工具。健康保险、车险、家庭财产保险、寿险等能够在发生意外或灾害时为你提供经济支持和保障。 ...

July 25, 2023 · 2 min · xgDebug

让时间陪你慢慢变富 定投改变命运

1 几乎所有人都有定投的资格和能力 Highlight(yellow) - Location 135 定投这个策略,包括以下几个要点:标的究竟是什么?长期究竟是多久?定期究竟是多长的间隔?每次投入至少多少金额? ...

July 25, 2023 · 4 min · xgDebug


00.20160729 出售时间的三条铁律 ★ Highlight(blue) - Location 163 出售时间的三条铁律:成长才是根本关键,重视价值忽略估值,耐心比什么都重要。 Highlight(blue) - Location 167 所谓的个人财富自由,指的就是某个人再也用不着为了满足生活必需而出售自己的时间了。 ...

July 24, 2023 · 27 min · xgDebug

Zero to Sold

We found out that many other teachers did the same when they started talking about their self-built solutions in their online communities. Teachers began to share their templates through Google sheets. It was clear that this was a shared problem in a very tight-knit community. Note - Location 252 发现了一个群体的集体痛点 Highlight(pink) - Location 252 even though it helped, was clunky and overwhelming. I looked into it, and it seemed quite possible to build a web-based application that would do this work faster and more reliably. ...

July 24, 2023 · 18 min · xgDebug



July 22, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


人在不健康的状态,不仅严重影响生活,还会变得脆弱。很多困难平时咬咬牙扛过去了,身体不健康人的心理就很容易崩溃。年轻时没人把身体当回事,等透支出问题了,才追悔莫及。 身体有小毛病,定期体检,积极治疗。失去了健康,活着就是一种折磨。不健康,你拥有再多也意义不大。 ...

July 22, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


如果一个人没有相应的基因、没有后天良好的教育,那么这类人,是永远没办法通过「讲道理」来沟通的。 只能接受这样的客观事实,只能像动物学家研究生物习性那样,去摸清其他人类的行为特征,将他们视为一种普通动物,用各种各样的手段去控制他们,达成自己的目的。 ...

July 22, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


不管思考什么事,最重要的是在一开始就想明白要搭建出怎样的框架。 事实上,一旦有了框架,接下来只要填满就行了。 反之,如果没框架就直接去思考其中的细节,那就不得不面对一堆未经梳理的凌乱信息,白白浪费时间。 ...

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


usually are full of very similar competitors, fighting it out over price and marginal differences. This saturation makes it hard to enter a market, and even the businesses that are already in that market suffer.

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


I believe that many bootstrapped businesses only do half the work. They solve a problem, but they don’t address the most critical problem.

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


You built a solution for customers who think they have that problem under control. You solved the wrong problem. You developed a solution that helps only at the margins. You solved the wrong problem. You built something, but your customers have bigger fish to fry. You solved the wrong problem.

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


You want to build a “need-to-have” instead of a “nice-to-have.” You want to develop a painkiller instead of a vitamin. You want to be their aspirin. How can this be done? By finding their most important problem: the one issue that is critical to their success. ...

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


The most crucial problem a customer faces is on their minds most often. It’s the most important because it’s coming up frequently and is never easy to solve. It has the most impact on their lives, but it’s not always the obvious choice. If you can help a customer with their most critical problem, they will benefit the most.

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


A Critical Problem Is Painful Problems can be a nuisance. They come up, and you either deal with them or ignore them. We can’t ignore critical problems. They persistently make the lives of those who have them harder until they are resolved. They can’t be just ignored, because they consistently reduce the quality of life.

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug