一个人的行为习惯往往是长期养成的,并反映了其内在的价值观和信念。 一个人如果对待周围其他人都是友善、尊重和善良的,那么他/她也更有可能对你是友好的。反之,如果一个人对待周围其他人都是冷漠、自私和无礼的,那么他/她也更有可能对你是冷漠、自私和无礼的。 ...
一个人的行为习惯往往是长期养成的,并反映了其内在的价值观和信念。 一个人如果对待周围其他人都是友善、尊重和善良的,那么他/她也更有可能对你是友好的。反之,如果一个人对待周围其他人都是冷漠、自私和无礼的,那么他/她也更有可能对你是冷漠、自私和无礼的。 ...
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. Highlight(yellow) - 1: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits > Location 313 。人们做了一些小的改变,没有看到切实的结果,并决定停止。你会想,“我已经连续一个月每天都跑步了,为什么我的身体没有任何变化?一旦这种想法占据了上风,就很容易让好习惯被抛在一边。但为了产生有意义的改变,习惯需要持续足够长的时间才能突破这个高原——我称之为潜在潜力高原。 People make a few small changes, fail to see a tangible result, and decide to stop. You think, “I’ve been running every day for a month, so why can’t I see any change in my body?” Once this kind of thinking takes over, it’s easy to let good habits fall by the wayside. But in order to make a meaningful difference, habits need to persist long enough to break through this plateau—what I call the Plateau of Latent Potential. ...
成功的敌人不是失败,而是无趣与无聊,所以我们必须让它有趣。 做产品也是一样,必须一开始就有人用,有互动,有反馈,否则你坚持不下去的。一定要从一开始就有种子用户,开发中的时候就有一个群的人在期待。 ...
If you can’t say nice things, say nothing. Don’t put people down.
You don’t need to follow the daily news. True breaking news will find you, and the rest isn’t urgent or just doesn’t matter.
Habit of Financial Discipline: Become someone who practices disciplined financial management. This could involve habits such as creating a budget, tracking expenses, and avoiding unnecessary spending. Habit of Continuous Learning: Embrace the identity of a lifelong learner in the realm of personal finance. Make it a habit to read books, articles, and attend seminars on financial literacy and investment strategies. Habit of Savvy Investing: Cultivate the identity of an informed and strategic investor. Regularly set aside time to research investment opportunities and make informed decisions about where to invest your money. Habit of Goal Setting: Adopt the identity of a goal-oriented individual. Set clear financial goals and break them down into actionable steps. Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed. Habit of Networking and Relationship Building: Become someone who actively seeks out connections in the financial world. Network with professionals, mentors, and like-minded individuals who can provide guidance and opportunities. Habit of Entrepreneurial Thinking: Develop an identity that embraces entrepreneurial thinking. This might involve exploring side businesses, investments in startups, or other ventures that can diversify your income streams. Habit of Long-Term Planning: Embody the identity of a strategic planner. Develop a habit of thinking about your financial future in the long term, which includes retirement planning, estate planning, and more. Habit of Resilience: Cultivate the identity of a resilient individual who learns from setbacks. Financial success often involves facing challenges; adopting the habit of bouncing back and learning from failures is crucial. Habit of Generosity: Adopt the identity of someone who values giving back. Allocate a portion of your financial success to charitable causes, reinforcing the idea that financial success enables positive impact. Habit of Risk Management: Become someone who is conscious of financial risks. Develop habits of managing and mitigating risks through insurance, emergency funds, and thoughtful decision-making. Habit of Negotiation and Assertiveness: Embrace an identity of someone who advocates for their financial interests. Develop the habit of negotiating for better deals, raises, and terms. Remember, the key is to start small and build gradually. Choose one or a few of these habits that resonate with you and incorporate them into your daily routine. As you consistently practice these habits, they will become ingrained in your identity, leading to more sustainable and impactful changes in your financial life. Over time, these small identity-based habits can accumulate and lead to significant financial success. ...
1 - Understanding human nature People are, above all, interested in themselves. Yup. Sorry. No matter who you are people will always be a thousand times more interested in themselves than in you. No judgment here. People’s actions are governed by self-interest. In every human relationship, your counterpart will always think or ask themselves “what’s in it for me?” Remember this question “What’s in it for me?” By the way, you’re asking this question in all your interactions too, consciously or subconsciously. ...
生活中,总会有一些看似平常的事物,却蕴含着深刻的哲理。就拿蜜蜂和甜蜜来说吧,我们或许很少思考过这背后的故事。蜜蜂,它们是大自然中的勤劳者,辛勤地采集花蜜,转化为甜蜜的珍馐。而这些甜蜜,则成了人们生活中的美味享受,让人们沐浴在幸福的滋味中。 ...
权力法则 1 永远不要盖过上司的光芒 在取悦他们或给他们留下深刻印象的同时,不要过分显露你的才华,否则会适得其反——引发他的恐惧和不安。 权力法则 2 永远不要太信任朋友,学会如何利用敌人 ...
Use ncnn to deploy pytorch model to Android phone Open graphics card support when compiling NCNN. Vulkan is for gpu -DNCNN_VULKAN=ON MobileNetV3 Open CMAKE 0091 feature when compiling into MT cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) cmake_policy(SET CMP0091 NEW) set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>") project("client-project") Train YOLO \Envs\torch\Scripts\activate.ps1 python train.py --batch 6 --workers 2 --imgsz 960 --epochs 300 --data "\Core\yaml\data.yaml" --cfg "\Core\yaml\cfg.yaml" --weights \ Core\weights\best.pt --device 0 Conversion model from torch import nn import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo import torch.onnx from libs import define from libs.net import Net from libs.dataset import ImageDataset import os test_data = ImageDataset(define.testPath,False) test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( test_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=True) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = Net(out_dim=19).to(device) model.load_state_dict(torch.load( "./widget/last.pt" )) model.eval() def saveOnnx(): for data, target in test_loader: data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device) label = target.long() y = model(data) # Export the model torch.onnx.export(model, # model being run data, # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs) "./widget/best.onnx", # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object) export_params=True, # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file opset_version=10, # the ONNX version to export the model to do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization input_names = ['input'], # the model's input names output_names = ['output'], # the model's output names dynamic_axes={'input': {0:'batch_size'}, # variable lenght axes 'output': {0:'batch_size'}}) traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, data) return saveOnnx() # Conversion os.system("python -m onnxsim ./widget/best.onnx ./widgetbest-sim.onnx") os.system("./bin/onnx2ncnn.exe ./widget/best-sim.onnx ./widget/best.param ./widget/best.bin") os.system("./bin/ncnnoptimize.exe ./widget/best.param ./widget/best.bin ./widget/best-opt.param ./widget/best-opt.bin 65536") python .\export.py --weights weights/best.pt --img 960 --batch 1 --train python -m onnxsim best.onnx best-sim.onnx .\onnx2ncnn.exe best-sim.onnx best.param best.bin ncnnoptimize best.param best.bin best-opt.param best-opt.bin 65536 Git clone ncnn repo with submodule $ git clone https://github.com/Tencent/ncnn.git $ cd ncnn $ git submodule update --init Build for Linux / NVIDIA Jetson / Raspberry Pi Build for Windows x64 using VS2017 Build for macOS Build for ARM Cortex-A family with cross-compiling Build for Hisilicon platform with cross-compiling Build for Android Build for iOS on macOS with xcode Build for WebAssembly Build for AllWinner D1 Build for Loongson 2K1000 Build for Termux on Android Build for Linux Install required build dependencies: ...
Mobile PUSH debug server to mobile adb push lldb-server /data/local/tmp chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/lldb-server Start the debugger service /data/local/tmp/lldb-server platform --listen "*:8888" --server +++ Computer side Port forwarding adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:8888 Start LLDB . \lldb.exe View supported platforms platform list Select ANDROID platform platform select remote-android Connect to the phone Phone serial number: 9643e0ec0604 To change to the current debugging phone, use adb devices to check the serial number platform connect connect://9643e0ec0604:8888 View the currently running process platform process list Attach to attach 9053 Breakpoint b send Run up c View the list of threads thread list View the call stack bt
The largest financial institutions are set up to make a profit for themselves, not their clients. What do I really want? (Vision.) 2. What is important about it? (Values.) 3. How will I get it? (Methods.) 4. What is preventing me from having it? (Obstacles.) 5. How will I know I am successful? (Measurements.) Money is certainly one of the ways we can turn the dreams we have into the reality we live. ...
好的,个人获取真正的利润(而非劳动报酬)的主要方式包括: 企业家型创业 - 独立或与合伙人创立公司,把商品或服务带到市场上,获取部分企业利润。 投资型创业 - 通过 angel investing 或风险投资,分享创业公司的成长收益。 证券投资 - 在股票市场购买证券资产,分享上市公司的营业利润。 生产资料所有 - 购买设备、房产等生产资料,出租获利。 知识产权运用 - 通过获得专利或版权,收取使用费。 经营商业活动 - 批发、零售等获得中间环节利润。 提供商业服务 - 如融资中介、房产中介等。 搭建投资平台 - 如 P2P 网贷平台获得利差。 综上,个人通过投资和商业手段,而非直接劳动,获取资本回报的方式可以视为获得真正的利润。获得这部分收益需要承担风险。 ...
在自由竞争的市场中,当某个职业或行业的工资水平高于该工作的劳动成果或技能所应得的价值时,会吸引更多的人学习这个职业,进入这个市场。随着供给的增加,市场上的工作人员数量增多,从而导致工资水平下降,最终趋近于劳动成果所应得的价值。 ...
当谈论经济学时,生产者剩余是一个重要的概念,它是指生产者或供应者在市场上以某一价格销售商品时,实际收到的收入与他们愿意以该价格出售商品时预期的最低收入之间的差额。 ...
公司希望你成为螺丝钉,可被替代。 你希望自己无可替代,甚至拥有独立盈利的能力,成为公司。 所以只会在某些阶段,双方的利益与目标一致,过了这个阶段就该分开了。 ...
Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF (SCHB): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.09% Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.20% iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.19% Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.04% iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.04%
陈述错误谬误(Fallacy of Assertion):在这种谬误中,陈述没有提供充分的证据或支持,而只是以断言的方式宣称事实。例如:“每个人都知道我是最聪明的人。” ...