
And then, one day, everything changed. In a comment to a Facebook post about how teachers dealt with feedback, Danielle dropped the link to our product with an explanation of how she used it. Teachers started to respond, asking for more details, they checked out the program, and came back to share their newly found discovery on social media.

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


For many of our customers, teaching from home was a side hustle. Using our product enabled many of them to turn this into a full-time source of income. We priced our service to be affordable and easily justified. We even increased our prices by 50% a year into running the business, and it continued growing nevertheless.

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


that fueled the growth of our business from its first few users to thousands of customers a couple of months later. It was surreal, but we had tapped into a highly active tribe. Once we understood that, we didn’t need to do much when it came to marketing our product: our users would do most of that for us.

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


Tech founders—and I count myself as one—focus on products because that is what we use to solve our problems. After all, when you run into a challenging task, what do you look for first? An in-depth scientific explanation for the epistemological essence of the task? Or a tool that will do the job for you seconds after you install it? ...

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


In the Preparation Stage, the focus will be on finding an audience, their biggest problem, and a solution that solves that problem in a way to make people pay for it. You will find out how to price your product initially and start selling.

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


Tech founders—and I count myself as one—focus on products because that is what we use to solve our problems. After all, when you run into a challenging task, what do you look for first? An in-depth scientific explanation for the epistemological essence of the task? Or a tool that will do the job for you seconds after you install it? ...

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug

Fake it until you make it . Who why how what

Many successful bootstrapped businesses start with an audience, a specific niche. They find their customers’ critical problems and provide valuable solutions that people gladly pay for. Their product is centered around continuously providing value to new and existing customers. Audience, problem, solution, and product can be looked at individually.

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


Successful businesses are built by solving critical problems for an audience that will pay for a solution to their issues. The Preparation Stage is when you make these foundational choices. Once in motion, a business has certain inertia that makes these decisions hard to change. Even though pivoting your business into new markets is sometimes the right choice, it’s extra effort. That’s why it’s a good idea to spend considerable time on getting it right in the first place. ...

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


A business would be nothing without customers. You can have the best product in the world, but you won’t be able to build any meaningful business if there is no one to pay for what you offer. Who am I helping? You will discover how to find the perfect niche and make sure it can support your business in Step One: Your Audience. Why do they need help? Learn how to find and validate their critical problem in Step Two: Their Problem. How can I help them with that? Find a good solution and make sure it fits into your prospective customers’ workflow in Step Three: Your Solution. What can I create to help them that way? You’ll learn how to create an easy-to-maintain and reliable product in Step Four: Your Product. ...

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


where do you find those paying customers? The first step to building a business is answering that question, and for bootstrapped founders, there is one critical component: finding the perfect niche.

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


他的头脑或多或少是纯洁无暇的,一点也不知道那些“不能说的话”,从来没有被真实的社会生活“污染”过。孩子眼里的世界是不真实的,是一个被灌输进他们头脑的假想世界。将来当孩子长大以后接触社会,就会发现小时候以为真实的事情,在现实世界中是荒唐可笑的。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


智力越高的人,越愿意去思考那些惊世骇俗的思想观点。这不仅仅因为聪明人本身很积极地寻找传统观念的漏洞,还因为传统观念对他们的束缚力很小,很容易摆脱。从他们的衣着上你就可以看出这一点:不受传统观念束缚的人,往往也不会穿流行的衣服。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


在思想和言论之间划一条明确的界线。在心里无所不想,但是不一定要说出来。我就鼓励自己在心里默默思考那些最无法无天的想法。你的思想是一个地下组织,绝不要把那里发生的事情一股脑说给外人听。“格斗俱乐部”的第一条规则,就是不要提到格斗俱乐部 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


你不要让自己成为人群的一分子,而要尽可能地远离人群,观察正在发生的事情,特别注意那些被压制的思想和观点 如果一个命题不是错的,却被加上各种标签,进行压制和批判,那就有问题。因为只要不是错的观点,就不应该被压制讨论。所以每当你看到有些话被攻击为出自 XX 分子或 XX 主义,这就是一个明确的信号,表明背后有问题。不管在 1630 年还是在 2030 年,都是如此。当你听到有人在用这样的标签,就要问为什么。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


你做别人需要的东西或事情,然后得到报酬。有些人报酬较高,原因很简单,因为他们做得更好。大明星要比普通演员多赚许多钱,普通演员可能也有大明星的实力,但是人们在电影院选择看什么电影时总是被大明星吸引过去。当然,做出人们需要的东西并不是赚钱的唯一方法。抢银行、索贿、垄断市场也能搞到钱,并且是某些富豪最大的财富来源,但是这些手段不能代表财富的全部,更不是贫富分化的主要原因。每个人的技能不同,导致收入不同,这才是贫富分化的主要原因,正如逻辑学的“奥卡姆剃刀”原则所说,简单的解释就是最好的解释 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


听到最富有的 5% 人口占有全社会一半以上的财富,往往会认定这是不公平的。一个有经验的程序员很可能也认为这是不公平的。因为最顶尖的 5% 的程序员写出了全世界 99% 的优秀软件。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


李自成到底是流贼头目呢,还是仁义之师的领袖呢?这个问题不好答。事实上,李自成一直是暴力集团的好领导。作为暴力集团头子,李自成始终在追求血酬的最大化。流贼烧杀抢掠,追求一次性血酬的最大化;进城后秋毫无犯,追求打天下坐江山的长期法酬的最大化。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


抢劫行为存在的前提,是有可抢的东西;绑架人质勒索赎金的前提,是人质有支付赎金的财力。如血酬定律所说,人质的命价,是由当事人支付赎金的意愿和能力决定的。在风险和成本相同的条件下,人质越有钱,抢劫对象越富裕,绑票和抢劫的收益越高。反过来说,抢劫绑票的对象越穷,抢劫的收益越低。低到得不偿失的程度,土匪就没法干了。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


晚清军阀防区经常易手,实施杀鸡取蛋的政策,恶果未必由自己承担,眼下还可以壮大力量。实施养鸡生蛋的政策,将来未必吃得上蛋,鸡也可能让人家抢去吃了,眼下的营养不良又可能迅速导致溃败。在这种格局中,竭泽而渔 —— 标准的流寇行径 —— 便是最有利的选择。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug


要是能坐上时间机器回到过去,不管哪一个年代,有一件事都是不会改变的,那就是“祸从口出”。你一定要小心自己说的话。 自以为无害的言论会给你惹来大麻烦。 ...

July 14, 2023 · 1 min · xgDebug