Tolerate fools, understand fools, and exploit fools.
智力越高的人,越愿意去思考那些惊世骇俗的思想观点。这不仅仅因为聪明人本身很积极地寻找传统观念的漏洞,还因为传统观念对他们的束缚力很小,很容易摆脱。从他们的衣着上你就可以看出这一点:不受传统观念束缚的人,往往也不会穿流行的衣服。 ...
Tolerate fools, understand fools, and exploit fools.
智力越高的人,越愿意去思考那些惊世骇俗的思想观点。这不仅仅因为聪明人本身很积极地寻找传统观念的漏洞,还因为传统观念对他们的束缚力很小,很容易摆脱。从他们的衣着上你就可以看出这一点:不受传统观念束缚的人,往往也不会穿流行的衣服。 ...
你不要让自己成为人群的一分子,而要尽可能地远离人群,观察正在发生的事情,特别注意那些被压制的思想和观点 如果一个命题不是错的,却被加上各种标签,进行压制和批判,那就有问题。因为只要不是错的观点,就不应该被压制讨论。所以每当你看到有些话被攻击为出自 XX 分子或 XX 主义,这就是一个明确的信号,表明背后有问题。不管在 1630 年还是在 2030 年,都是如此。当你听到有人在用这样的标签,就要问为什么。 ...
你做别人需要的东西或事情,然后得到报酬。有些人报酬较高,原因很简单,因为他们做得更好。大明星要比普通演员多赚许多钱,普通演员可能也有大明星的实力,但是人们在电影院选择看什么电影时总是被大明星吸引过去。当然,做出人们需要的东西并不是赚钱的唯一方法。抢银行、索贿、垄断市场也能搞到钱,并且是某些富豪最大的财富来源,但是这些手段不能代表财富的全部,更不是贫富分化的主要原因。每个人的技能不同,导致收入不同,这才是贫富分化的主要原因,正如逻辑学的“奥卡姆剃刀”原则所说,简单的解释就是最好的解释 ...
听到最富有的 5% 人口占有全社会一半以上的财富,往往会认定这是不公平的。一个有经验的程序员很可能也认为这是不公平的。因为最顶尖的 5% 的程序员写出了全世界 99% 的优秀软件。 ...
工作是人类生命的本质,但不是人类生活的目的。作者认为,人类从出现在地球上开始,就必须通过劳动来获取资源和能量,维持生存和繁衍。但是,工作并不是人类存在的唯一意义,人类还有其他方面的需求和追求,比如休闲、娱乐、社交、创造等。作者呼吁我们不要把工作当成一种信仰,而要把它当成一种手段,为了更好地享受生活。 工作的形式和意义是随着人类文明的演化而变化的。作者从原始社会、农业社会、工业社会到现代社会,梳理了人类工作的历史变迁。他指出,不同的社会形态和经济制度,对工作有不同的定义和要求。在原始社会,人们没有“工作”的概念,只是为了满足基本的生存需求而劳动;在农业社会,人们开始固定居住和耕种,形成了土地所有权和阶级制度;在工业社会,人们被异化成“工具人”,为了经济增长而无休止地工作;在现代社会,人们对工作有更多的期待和挑战,希望通过工作获得价值感和成就感。 稀缺经济学是导致人们过度工作的根源。作者认为,现代社会中普遍存在的“稀缺思维”,让人们担心资源不够用,因而努力工作以获取更多的财富和物质。但是,这种思维忽略了人类对资源的需求是有限的,而且资源本身也不是固定不变的。作者提出,“富足经济学”的概念,认为人类应该从原始社会中学习如何控制欲望,满足于现有的资源,并通过创新和协作来扩大资源的可用性。 自动化技术将给人类带来新的机遇和挑战。作者预测,在未来,机器人将取代人类完成大部分重复性和低技能的工作,这将使人类面临失业和无用的危机。但同时,这也将给人类带来新的可能性,让人类有更多的时间和空间去发展自己感兴趣和擅长的领域,并创造出更多有价值和有意义的工作。作者建议我们重新思考“人之所以为人”的问题,并从“工具人”向“Human Being”转变。 ...
A lousy way to do memory prediction is “X happened in the past, therefore X will happen in the future.” It’s too based on specific circumstances. What you want is principles. You want mental models.
What you feel tells you nothing about the facts—it merely tells you something about your estimate of the facts.
评论引流最早可以追溯到博客时代,批量去别的网站下评论,网名和评论内容就是广告,去成百上千个网站评论,每天就能带来源源不断的流量。 站长圈牛人卢松松,当年坚持在各个博客文章下评论,为后来的流量和名气提供了很大的助力。 ...
Spend more time making the big decisions. There are basically three really big decisions.
The punishment for the love of money is delivered at the same time as the money. As you make money, you just want even more, and you become paranoid and fearful of losing what you do have. There’s no free lunch. You make money to solve your money and material problems. I think the best way to stay away from this constant love of money is to not upgrade your lifestyle as you make money. It’s very easy to keep upgrading your lifestyle as you make money. But if you can hold your lifestyle fixed and hopefully make your money in giant lump sums as opposed to a trickle at a time, you won’t have time to upgrade your lifestyle. You may get so far ahead you actually become financially free. ...
You have to put in the time, but the judgment is more important. The direction you’re heading in matters more than how fast you move, especially with leverage. Picking the direction you’re heading in for every decision is far, far more important than how much force you apply. Just pick the right direction to start walking in, and start walking. ...
富豪,追求高品质,不好糊弄。 中产,追求性价比,斤斤计较。 蠢货,凭本能行事,容易糊弄。 本能包括:贪便宜、情绪化、害怕错过、爱占便宜… ...
Warren Buffett spends a year deciding and a day acting. That act lasts decades.
The business world has many people playing zero sum games and a few playing positive sum games searching for each other in the crowd. Wealth creation is an evolutionarily recent positive-sum game. Status is an old zero-sum game. Those attacking wealth creation are often just seeking status.
根据博弈论来分析,员工对于公司的贡献都是抛物线,而工资水平却一直在上涨。这也是为什么互联网企业都 35 岁退休的原因
The less you want something, the less you’re thinking about it, the less you’re obsessing over it, the more you’re going to do it in a natural way. The more you’re going to do it for yourself. You’re going to do it in a way you’re good at, and you’re going to stick with it. The people around you will see the quality of your work is higher. ...
Think about what product or service society wants but does not yet know how to get. You want to become the person who delivers it and delivers it at scale. That is really the challenge of how to make money. Now, the problem is becoming good at whatever “it” is. It moves around from generation to generation, but a lot of it happens to be in technology. ...
The most interesting and the most important form of leverage is the idea of products that have no marginal cost of replication. This is the new form of leverage. This was only invented in the last few hundred years. It started with the printing press. It accelerated with broadcast media, and now it’s really blown up with the internet and with coding. Now, you can multiply your efforts without involving other humans and without needing money from other humans. ...