Tolerate fools, understand fools, and exploit fools.
一个优秀商人的基本潜质 永远保持对他人感兴趣,把兴趣和集中力精力放在他人身上,以他人为中心展开话题,围绕着他人来进行交流。 想做到这一点,同时还能拿捏好尺度,提出让大家都觉得舒适的问题,而不是感觉被不停的刺探不舒适,这是很不容易的。 ...
Tolerate fools, understand fools, and exploit fools.
一个优秀商人的基本潜质 永远保持对他人感兴趣,把兴趣和集中力精力放在他人身上,以他人为中心展开话题,围绕着他人来进行交流。 想做到这一点,同时还能拿捏好尺度,提出让大家都觉得舒适的问题,而不是感觉被不停的刺探不舒适,这是很不容易的。 ...
一、价格锚点重构(锚定效应+心理账户重置) 应用商店定价策略 上架时标注$99.99/年高价(实际永远不打折) 商品描述强调「企业级服务」「原价仅供机构采购」 功能清单使用「企业安全解决方案」「百万级数据处理」等 B 端术语 认知框架转换 在官网/社交媒体发布「用户权益升级公告」: “为庆祝用户突破 10 万,限时开放个人免费通道(原价$99.99→ 0 元)” 设置倒计时器:显示剩余免费名额(动态虚假数据,始终保持<10%余量) 二、零价格触发设计(双通道损失厌恶) 注册码获取机制 设计「黄金邀请码」系统: 凭码解锁价值$99.99 企业版功能(限个人用户) 设置双重损失框架: ✅ 立即领取 → 获得价值$99.99 的 VIP 权限(永久有效) ❌ 拒绝领取 → 失去年度最大数字福利(红字警告) 沉没成本植入 获取邀请码需完成三步: 输入手机号获取验证码(启动承诺一致性) 观看 15 秒产品视频(注意力沉没) 选择三个兴趣标签(个性化锚定) 三、社交货币制造(病毒式传播引擎) 炫耀性分享设计 注册成功后自动生成「数字资产报告」: “您已节省$99.99,超越 92%的用户” 分享页面包含: 动态排名条:「你的免费码价值超过 XX 人」 虚拟徽章:「精明决策者」「0 元挑战成功」 群体行为激发 创建「限时免费联盟」排行榜: 每邀请 1 人获得「信用星」,可兑换延长免费期 前 100 名显示真人头像,触发竞争心理 四、稀缺性维护系统(动态虚假资源) 多维度稀缺提示 地理围栏技术: “您所在的北京朝阳区仅剩 43 个免费名额” 设备识别提示: “检测到 iOS 用户专属配额即将用尽” 幽灵库存策略 实时显示「正在领取用户」动态: 示例算法(实际需伪装真实数据) ...
传播学基础理论梳理 1. 议程设置理论(Agenda-Setting Theory) 提出者: 麦克斯韦·麦克库姆斯(Maxwell McCombs)和唐纳德·肖(Donald Shaw) 核心思想: 媒体通过选择和强调某些议题,影响公众对这些议题重要性的排序。 解释: 媒体报道什么,公众就更关注什么。例如,媒体不断报道气候变化,人们就可能认为气候变化是当前最重要的问题之一。 ...
人性弱点: 贪婪 (Greed): 对财富、利益、好处的无限渴望,容易被各种“快速致富”、“内部消息”、“低风险高回报”的诱惑所吸引。网红会利用抽奖、福利、投资“秘诀”等来迎合这种心理。 ...
Never stop learning At the end of the day, founding a star up primarily request you to do one thing: learning. don’t look for tricks the fact is there are no shortcuts in starting a start up . There’s no trick to get people to like you product. You just have to make a good product because that’s all your user care about. ...
成功的敌人不是失败,而是无趣与无聊,所以我们必须让它有趣。 做产品也是一样,必须一开始就有人用,有互动,有反馈,否则你坚持不下去的。一定要从一开始就有种子用户,开发中的时候就有一个群的人在期待。 ...
Habit of Financial Discipline: Become someone who practices disciplined financial management. This could involve habits such as creating a budget, tracking expenses, and avoiding unnecessary spending. Habit of Continuous Learning: Embrace the identity of a lifelong learner in the realm of personal finance. Make it a habit to read books, articles, and attend seminars on financial literacy and investment strategies. Habit of Savvy Investing: Cultivate the identity of an informed and strategic investor. Regularly set aside time to research investment opportunities and make informed decisions about where to invest your money. Habit of Goal Setting: Adopt the identity of a goal-oriented individual. Set clear financial goals and break them down into actionable steps. Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed. Habit of Networking and Relationship Building: Become someone who actively seeks out connections in the financial world. Network with professionals, mentors, and like-minded individuals who can provide guidance and opportunities. Habit of Entrepreneurial Thinking: Develop an identity that embraces entrepreneurial thinking. This might involve exploring side businesses, investments in startups, or other ventures that can diversify your income streams. Habit of Long-Term Planning: Embody the identity of a strategic planner. Develop a habit of thinking about your financial future in the long term, which includes retirement planning, estate planning, and more. Habit of Resilience: Cultivate the identity of a resilient individual who learns from setbacks. Financial success often involves facing challenges; adopting the habit of bouncing back and learning from failures is crucial. Habit of Generosity: Adopt the identity of someone who values giving back. Allocate a portion of your financial success to charitable causes, reinforcing the idea that financial success enables positive impact. Habit of Risk Management: Become someone who is conscious of financial risks. Develop habits of managing and mitigating risks through insurance, emergency funds, and thoughtful decision-making. Habit of Negotiation and Assertiveness: Embrace an identity of someone who advocates for their financial interests. Develop the habit of negotiating for better deals, raises, and terms. Remember, the key is to start small and build gradually. Choose one or a few of these habits that resonate with you and incorporate them into your daily routine. As you consistently practice these habits, they will become ingrained in your identity, leading to more sustainable and impactful changes in your financial life. Over time, these small identity-based habits can accumulate and lead to significant financial success. ...
生活中,总会有一些看似平常的事物,却蕴含着深刻的哲理。就拿蜜蜂和甜蜜来说吧,我们或许很少思考过这背后的故事。蜜蜂,它们是大自然中的勤劳者,辛勤地采集花蜜,转化为甜蜜的珍馐。而这些甜蜜,则成了人们生活中的美味享受,让人们沐浴在幸福的滋味中。 ...
公司希望你成为螺丝钉,可被替代。 你希望自己无可替代,甚至拥有独立盈利的能力,成为公司。 所以只会在某些阶段,双方的利益与目标一致,过了这个阶段就该分开了。 ...
Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF (SCHB): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.03% SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.09% Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.20% iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.19% Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.04% iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG): Expense Ratio: Approximately 0.04%
1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve? 2. If there was a solution, would they buy it? 3. Would they buy it from us? 4. Can we build a solution for that problem?” The common tendency of product development is to skip straight to the fourth question and build a solution before confirming that customers have the problem. ...
当涉及风险管理时,有许多有用的工具和方法可以帮助你降低财务风险并更好地管理你的资产。以下是一些值得考虑的风险管理工具和方法: 保险: 购买适当的保险是最基本和重要的风险管理工具。健康保险、车险、家庭财产保险、寿险等能够在发生意外或灾害时为你提供经济支持和保障。 ...
We found out that many other teachers did the same when they started talking about their self-built solutions in their online communities. Teachers began to share their templates through Google sheets. It was clear that this was a shared problem in a very tight-knit community. Note - Location 252 发现了一个群体的集体痛点 Highlight(pink) - Location 252 even though it helped, was clunky and overwhelming. I looked into it, and it seemed quite possible to build a web-based application that would do this work faster and more reliably. ...
如果一个人没有相应的基因、没有后天良好的教育,那么这类人,是永远没办法通过「讲道理」来沟通的。 只能接受这样的客观事实,只能像动物学家研究生物习性那样,去摸清其他人类的行为特征,将他们视为一种普通动物,用各种各样的手段去控制他们,达成自己的目的。 ...
不管思考什么事,最重要的是在一开始就想明白要搭建出怎样的框架。 事实上,一旦有了框架,接下来只要填满就行了。 反之,如果没框架就直接去思考其中的细节,那就不得不面对一堆未经梳理的凌乱信息,白白浪费时间。 ...
usually are full of very similar competitors, fighting it out over price and marginal differences. This saturation makes it hard to enter a market, and even the businesses that are already in that market suffer.
I believe that many bootstrapped businesses only do half the work. They solve a problem, but they don’t address the most critical problem.
You built a solution for customers who think they have that problem under control. You solved the wrong problem. You developed a solution that helps only at the margins. You solved the wrong problem. You built something, but your customers have bigger fish to fry. You solved the wrong problem.
You want to build a “need-to-have” instead of a “nice-to-have.” You want to develop a painkiller instead of a vitamin. You want to be their aspirin. How can this be done? By finding their most important problem: the one issue that is critical to their success. ...
The most crucial problem a customer faces is on their minds most often. It’s the most important because it’s coming up frequently and is never easy to solve. It has the most impact on their lives, but it’s not always the obvious choice. If you can help a customer with their most critical problem, they will benefit the most.